December 11, 2024

Making the Most of Every Fertilizer Dollar Spent

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The short growing season in Western Canada can be full of uncertainties. But your fertility plan can add a measure of certainty to the season, and biologicals can help add even more.

Up to 60% of yield potential is dependent on crop nutrition, and just 17 key nutrients are needed to help a crop grow. But they’re needed in just the right balance in order to maximize yield potential. 

With the help of Fusion® Technology, each granule of MicroEssentials® packs several of those key nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and zinc (in SZ®) — crops need to reach their yield potential. 

MicroEssentials does more than just combine nutrients into a granule. Each granule contains two forms of sulfur — sulfate and elemental — for unmatched season-long availability. Phosphorus has greater uptake compared to other phosphate sources, and the zinc in MicroEssentials SZ has greater solubility compared to other dry zinc fertilizers.

Then, biologicals like PowerCoat™ continue to support plants with improved nutrient uptake and availability, increasing fertilizer efficiency.  

The select strains of Bacillus PGPR — Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria — in PowerCoat produce organic acids and enzymes that improve the solubilization of dry fertilizer into plant-available forms, helping improve nutrient utilization and maximizing ROI from fertilizer inputs.

Biologicals connect the nutrients in the soil, the plant and the microbiome to efficiently help growers make the most of fertilizer. They enable crops to reach higher yield potential, which in turn helps farmers boost their return on fertilizer investment.

Unlocking potential in plants, soil and the microbiome by combining Mosaic’s performance fertilizers, like MircoEssentials and biological portfolio, including PowerCoat, is an example of Advanced Crop Nutrition.

We’re proud to be the exclusive retailer of PowerCoat in Western Canada because we’ve seen it work. In local trials, we’ve seen PowerCoat increase nutrient uptake by 9% to 18% compared to using MAP alone at 60 lbs/ac on spring wheat. That’s real ROI being seen by our customers,” says Jennifer Kreway, Director, Agronomic Solutions.

Jennifer Kreway
Director, Agronomic Solutions
Richardson Pioneer